Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"An Inconvenient Truth."

Today in class we watched the movie “Inconvenient Truth,” which is about a former Vice President, Al Gore’s, thoughts and ideas on the environment. Gore focused mainly on global warming. He talked about the effects that global warming had on the generations to come and how we could work together to prevent it. He stressed the fact that global warming is important and how we are in danger of being left with nothing if no one does anything about it. In order to prove his statements about the consequences of global warming, Gore presented scientific facts. Some of the facts that he used were that the glaciers around the world were melting and the lakes and ponds were being dried out.
One of the things that struck me during the movie was when Gore talked about his son. When his son was six years old he got hit by a car and he almost died. The Gore family had to spend an entire month in the hospital while his son was hooked up to different machines to help him breathe. Fortunately, his son started to breathe on his own, but the whole experience changed Gore’s life forever. At first, I did not know why Gore was telling his audience about this experience, but then he tied global warming and his son’s future all together. He wanted to put in even more effort into making a change in the environment because he wanted his son to be able to experience a good life.
This was the first time I watched this film and everything made sense to me, but I would have never thought about this crisis if I had not seen it. People do not seem to recognize that global warming is a big deal. To be honest, even after watching the video I probably won’t do much to make a change in the environment. That sounds selfish and not responsible of me, but it is not something that I am used to in my daily routine. I believe that this is true for many other American’s too. People are not going to make significant changes in their life that are inconvenient for them. For example, most families have multiple cars that they use and they are not going to just use one. Families have different places to go each day, such as jobs in different cities and different schools for their children. I think everyone understands the consequences that could happen but they do not think that it will happen to them. I also believe that if more advocates like Al Gore stepped up and enforced changes in our environments then people would cooperate.

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